My name is Mr. SausageMan and I love bananas. This is my blog where I will tell you about my life.
Benjamin Akrish (Vice President YEAH!)
3/24/2010 01:53:40 pm

Hey, all me here? I've come to tell you to tell others about Mr. Sausage Man! He won't give up on being an outstanding sausage in our current history! Mr. Sausage loves grape soda... But he keeps at it!

3/26/2010 09:09:57 am

I agree with Benjamin and don't forget to tell us your ideas!

Christian (PRESIDENT! YEAH!):-)
3/31/2010 09:46:34 am

Wow!I love the website!add more comics& can you add pictures? If you can tell me.I would like to make lego models.Anyways plese add cli[ art of his foods if you can.


Faith (Christian's sister):-)
3/31/2010 12:02:27 pm

this is what faith thinks of the website: fantastic! I love the blog!


3/31/2010 12:11:43 pm

Hi! I'm also here to tell you people about Mr.Sausageman. His nemisis is the Burgerlar and Mr. Beef. But he always wins. he sends them to the Meatville jail. He gets like $1,000,000,000.00 just for that. he does that like two times every month. in his history he has eaten aproxemataly 9,999,999,999,999,999,999,999 bananas in his life


4/2/2010 09:26:42 am

Hi! The President here!
Here to say that maria has been fired from the Mr. Sausage crew. She left a Sausage Meating without asking, plus she chased us as a "Sausage Eater" about two months ago.

4/2/2010 11:24:46 am

The Burgerlar usally gets his head eaten off but Mr. Beef uses tomato paste (thats a joke:-D) to put his head back on.

5/18/2010 10:37:44 am

It has been a long time since anybody has done the blog entry. Anyways; legend has it the Burgerlar has stolen Mr. Sausage's 7-star limo has been stolen.

8/21/2010 04:22:55 am

Benjamin's big brother here. I've been a sausage fan, and I'll stay a sausauge fan. I've been thinking about making a mr.sausage man video game. If I don't succeed with that, i'll make it a computer game. There will be two modes, Stunt Mode (Mr.sausage man will perform stunts and try to win gold medals in tournaments and stadiums), and Adventure Mode (Mr.sausage man will fight his way through tons of levels to fight the Burgerlar at the end.). I will try to make a Multiplayer Mode too (As in Wi-Fi, not other controllers, but there will be up to 4 players if I'm able to make it a video game.). This has been my first post on Mr.sausage man's blog, and I'll try to make more comments. I'm working on a fan website called But it's not public yet.

By the way, I'm 12 years old.

8/21/2010 04:42:15 am

Ok, I guess I DID finish the website after all. I'll be making changes as i go on. I see that "The Sausage Test" has a few mistakes.

Mrs A
6/8/2012 07:42:25 am

Just checking in, fellas! What are you up to today? Do you have the website up and running, Jonathan? If so, what is it?

7/25/2011 08:15:58 am

I love Benjamin and Jonathan. They are my two loving boys, and I am so proud of them. I'll be a personal fan forever. Thanks for being so wonderful, guys!


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