This is Laura, the website owner, and I am afraid to say I can no longer update this website. Of course, there is a good side  to this, I am putting the website in the hands of YOU the fans. I am asking whoever would like to have the website to e-mail me a two-paragraph essay on why you think you should be in charge of the site. Be sure to include how often you'll update, what are some ideas you have and other important details. E-mail me at:

[email protected]
1/13/2012 09:16:12 pm

Check your inbox :D

1/15/2012 05:58:29 am

I think the Sausage Crew should still hang on to this website. Benjamin (The Sausage President) still knows the username and password, and he knows exactly what Mr. Sausage Man would do in every type of situation. The website should be in control of Benjamin and I. I can't imagine what would happen if a random fan took over the website.

1/18/2012 06:48:51 am

Tell benjamin to go to this site:

1/19/2012 09:44:35 am

Oops, I mean

4/24/2012 05:07:19 pm

that you are great in that article

9/28/2012 03:35:59 am

Thanks for data


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